Jupiter is 5th planet away from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System. Its diameter is 89,000 miles (the Earth's diameter is 8,000 miles). It orbits the Sun every 11.86 every year. It has 15 moons, 4 of which are visible to Earth through a telescope. It is the 5th planet away from the sun
In the natal chart it is considered the planet of good luck, optimism, success, generosity. Jupiter brings joy to life. It is the planet of expansiveness and abundance. Jupiter is the planet of greater fortune (Venus is the planet of lesser fortune). Jupiter rules over luck, heath, happiness, wealth, and worldly goods, knowledge, higher learning, vision and honesty. Jupiter imparts philosophical wisdom, whereas Mercury imparts day to day cleverness.
The Babylonian equivalent of Jupiter was Marduk, King of the Gods. The story of creation is centered around him. The primordial sea serpent, Tiamat, revolted against the gods. Marduk was chosen as their champion and he defeated the armies of darkness and killed Tiamat. Marduk fashioned the earth and sky from the remains of Tiamat's gigantic corpse. He put the stars in the heavens and created the calendar.
The Greek god, Zeus, who became Jupiter in Roman mythology, drew lots with his brothers to share the Universe. Hades drew the underworld, Poseidon drew the sea and Zeus became the supreme ruler. He was Lord of the Sky, the god of rain and the gatherer of clouds who controled the thunderbolt. His power was greater than all the others, but he was not omnipotent or omniscient.
Zeus had the power to elevate to immortality, to release from suffering, and place among the stars, as he did Chiron, Sagittarius, Hercules and Calisto. He could also condemn as he did Prometheus, Cronus and Asclepius. Zeus had a special throne at the top of Mr. Olympus where he could see everything below. On Zeus' shoulders were 2 ravens named Thought and Memory who advised him.
Jupiter/Zeus as a lover seems to have been oversexed, for he had many children with many different women. He was not interested in forming relationships and in Jupiter's sign Sagittarius, it manifests a lively but uncommitted sexuality worthy of Jupiter/Zeus. Ancient Greek astrologers associated Zeus with Leo, which is the sign that symbolizes children. Jupiter's mythological children represent his prolific creativity rather than that of an excessive sexual nature.
Jupiter is a significator of good fortune and good fellowship. In Latin, he is called Jove, hence the word jovial. Jupiter(Zeus) was the God of Thunder and could be terrifying at times. Like his daughter, Athene, his armor pictured Medusa's face and his bird was the eagle. The oak tree was sacred to Zeus, a symbol of his kingship. The priests at his temple in Dodona, devined the future by listening to the rustling of the wind through a grove of oak trees.
Juno is Jupiter's female polarity. We will learn more about her in a future article.
A parent who shows Jupiter's qualities tends to parent from afar, spending little time with his offspring. He rewards or punishes according to the child's behavior. Jupiter is exhaulted in Cancer, the sign of the family. A strongly dominant Jupiter who seems to have no control in the world will still be a patriarch or matriarch in his or her world.
Jupiter's friends tend to be people in the same position as he is. His friendships are not based on a need for companionship
Like the Sun (Apollo), Jupiter (Marduk) exercises a kingly function by bringing order to chaos. Both harness energies toward the purpose of conscious achievement. Jupiter was also seen as a father figure, caretaker of the people. In the natal chart, it is the Protector or "Inner Guide". Jupiter grants protection and leads to success. Jupiter is the giver of gifts and likewise bestows gifts on us. Jupiter also represents our capacity for generosity.
To show how interwoven planetary patterns are, the inner king (Sun and Jupiter) organizes and focuses the entire range of our psychological and spiritual energies and directs them toward a specific purpose. Then, the warrior (Mars) does the actual work. Though the Sun is the central core or our being which directs us toward our spiritual goal, but it is Jupiter that makes the goal real in a worldly sense. This kingly planet impels us to walk in the world with generosity and a benevolent spirit.
As King of the Gods, Jupiter administrated the Classical Cosmos. People with a strong or elevated Jupiter tend to be administrators of their "Cosmos".
Jupiter is a planet associated with lawyer and judges. Juipiter's transits can bring people the euphoric elevation of stardom or the golden opportunity of a lifetime or it can pass judgment resulting in banishment or complete immobility.
Jupiter does have its drawbacks. There can be too much abundance. In the 1st or 6th houses dealing with self and heath, there can be a problem with being overweight or over-confidence leading to arrogance or smugness. When aspected by Venus or Neptune it can lead to indulgence in sex, drugs, food or drink.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the sign associated with philosophy, which is know to take a broad view of humanity. The synthesis of different branches of knowledge into a philosophical whole. To bring about practical manifestation, Jupiter needs the help of Mercury, the master of detail.
Parker's Astrology : Julia And Derek Parker
Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need: Joanne Martine Woolfolk
Mythology : Edith Hamilton
Mythic Astrology: Archetypal Powers In The Horoscope : Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson
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