From the dawn of time was Varuna, whose name comes to us through the Sanskrit language. As the Creator and
Guardian of Cosmic Law he created all things through his "Maya" or Creative Will. Once he creates, he maintains, because he
also is Judge and Guardian of "Rta", the Law, the Moral Order, which governs the world. His creation is a continual process.
In the sixth to seventh centuries B.C.E., the Persian prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster) transformed Varuna into Ahura Mazda,
the Lord of Light, who also is the Guardian of the Cosmic Law.
In Greece, he became known as Father Sky, who was the first offspring of Gaia, Mother Earth, when she emerged
from Primordial Chaos. He poured down his love for his mother in the form of rain, to nourish her. Later, he was called Ouranos
and with Gaia he produced offspring of monstrous, gigantic size with 50 heads and 100 hands. They also parented the Cyclops
and eventually the Titans and Titanesses who were destined to rule over mankind.
Ouranos, fearful of being displaced, imprisoned the monstrous beings within the Earth. Gaia, outraged at
the treatment her offspring received at the hands of their father, implored her other children to help free them. Finally
Saturn (Cronus) agreed to help. He ambushed Ouranos and castrated him with his sickle. Ouranos's sperm fell onto the ground
and into the water below. From the sperm that fell to the ground sprang the Furies, the Goddesses of Vengeance. From the sperm
that fell onto the water, sprang Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty.
Uranus, as the Romans called Ouranos, is the essential Force of Creation. He created foliage and vegetation
and he also created concepts like love and vengeance.
Sir William Herschel, peering through a telescope on March 13, 1781 in Bath, England, ended a year of studying
what he originally thought was a comet, and declared that he had found a new planet in the Solar System. Originally the planet
was named Georgium Sidas, after King George III, then later it was called Herschel, but neither name caught on. Uranus stuck,
but the letter "H"in honor of Herschel is still part of the symbol for Uranus.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and it takes seven years to travel through each sign. Uranus
is four times the size of the Earth with a diameter of 32,000 miles. Uranus orbits the Sun at a 90 degree angle away
from how the other planets orbit and in reverse direction from all the other planets, which lends to its differentness from
the other planets and enhances its confusing and eccentric nature. Its orbit is nearly a perfect circle around the Sun and
takes 84 years and 7 days to complete one orbit. A day on Uranus is 10 hours and 49 minutes long which means there are 68,000
days in a Uranian year. Uranus tilts on its axis at a 98 degree angle, laying almost on its side, which means the Sun rises
on its pole, leaving the opposite pole in absolute darkness which lasts for about 21 Earth days. In 1986, Voyager 2 sent back
evidence of nine dark rings around Uranus and a cork screw magnetic field that stretches for millions of miles.
Uranus was discovered during the years between the American and French revolutions, and consequently, is
connected to the qualities of freedom, independence and rebellion. Uranus has been associated with the pioneer spirit and
conscientiousness which often manifests in sacrifice
of a personal or earthly life as exampled by Freud, Jung, Gandhi, and Schweitzer to name a few. These people tend to contribute
greatly to humanity at the cost of personal life. Uranus is the Divine Rebel, the Creative Power of human will. Uranus's discovery
also coincided with the birth of the Industrial Revolution. It is therefore the planet associated with modern science, electricity,
humanitarianism, revolution and invention. It is also the planet of sudden, unexplained change.
Uranian creativity is different from what is recognized as Sky Father's type of creativity, but more in line
with the the type of creativity associated with Prometheus, which is very important to our society. Prometheus, the Titan,
is a son of Eurymedon, the Titan associated with Jupiter. His name means "foresight" and his twin brother is Epimetheus, "hindsight".
Prometheus befriended mankind and always defended them. Some myths actually credit Prometheus with creating man from clay
and breathing his spirit into them, giving them life. Along with Hephaestus, Prometheus helped to bring forth the goddess
Pallas Athene from Zeus's forehead. It was Pallas Athene who taught Prometheus the arts and sciences, which he in turn passed
on to mankind.
It was his love for mankind which caused Prometheus to rebel. The gods were used to taking the best of the
sacrificial bull for themselves, but Prometheus tricked Zeus into choosing what amounted to fat and bones, leaving the good
meat for mankind. In anger, Zeus decreed that mankind would eat meat raw, purposely withholding fire. With Athene's help,
Prometheus climbed to the top of Olympus and using a fennel stalk he caught a spark from the the divine sparks given off from
Helios' chariot as it passed across the sky. He then gave it to mankind and they became "enlightened". Zeus punished Prometheus
by putting him on a mountaintop in the Caucasus where he was bound in chains and sentenced to live out eternity by having
an eagle tear out his liver only to have the liver rejuvenate, daily. But Prometheus did not suffer for eternity. Chiron,
the centaur king, sacrificed himself so that Prometheus could be released. On a side note, the Viking god Loki suffered the
same fate by rebelling against the gods.
Regardless of the chart used for the United States, Uranus either rises, sets or culminates. America
is most identified with the Uranian archetype, characterized by freedom, independence, superiority, pride, the breaking of
social, economic and racial barriers, and technology.
Uranus is the most confusing of the planetary archetypes. It has rulership over Aquarius, the sign associated
with the "waters of life". The creative "waters" tend to be electricity or cosmic energy, but the basic essential meaning
of creative will has not changed. Uranian creativity manifests as turbulence in the psyches of individuals, which then expresses
itself as rebellion against the past, which is one reason why astrologers refer to Uranus as the Divine Rebel. The Promethean
Spirit is one of inventiveness which now has evolved into technology.
In the birth chart, Uranus is associated with an individual's social rebelliousness. Uranus may also be expressed
on an internal level. On the rebellious level it manifests as the "wild man" or "wild woman" spirit that lives according to
one's own rules. It is the planet of change and originality, symbolizing the element of surprise.
It is important to know which sign Uranus is in, because this is where originality and self expression
can best be utilized. Uranus represents the deep energy within the personality that is revealed over the lifetime. An example
would be a person who may be handicapped in some physical way (afflicted Mars) but have a strong or powerful presence.
The Uranian archetype, possessing the Promethean inventiveness also carries with it the tyrannical side
of Ouranos, which should manifest a conscious awareness of the need to serve humanity through invention.
When sight of that is lost, tyranny and restrictiveness take over. It is important to remember that Prometheus paid a
great price for enlightening mankind. He was rewarded with isolation, shackles and pain. He is the embodiment of the proverb:
No good deed goes unpunished.
The loneliness the Uranean archetype experiences is similar to that of the Saturnian archetype. Saturn (Cronus)
experienced similar isolation when he was deposed by his son Jupiter (Zeus) and imprisoned in Tartarus. These feelings of
banishment and Promethean exhilaration are what the Uranian archetype experiences.
A prominent Uranus inclines one to be independent and resourceful, unusual, possibly a visionary or psychic.
It can also make one difficult to get along with, rebellious, reckless and undisciplined. Uranus also has a generational influence,
along with Neptune and Pluto.
There are four Uranian stages in life:
1. Teens/early 20's......we embody the "Bohemian" or wild man/woman qualities
2. 40...............................Mid-life Crisis
3. 63...............................New discoveries are made in life
4. 84...............................When we enter "Tartarus"
The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need: Joanna Martine Woolfolk
Mythology: Edith Hamilton
Mythic Astrology: Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope: Airel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson