Mythology of the Sun
Most astrologers consider the sun to be the significant of the astrological symbols.
The sun is unique because all the other planets within the solar system revolve around it. Though most of us use the geocentric
or earth centered method of calculating a chart, the sun is still the central planet in the chart, the primary reference point.
The deity of the sun most familiar in Western culture is Apollo, the Romanized Greek god who displaced
the Greek sun god, Helios, who drove his chariot across the sky daily, and upon whose legends the mythology evolves. Apollos,
or more accurately, Helios' legend begins with his pregnant mother, Leto, loved by Zeus, but abandoned by him and seeking
refuge from the wrath of Hera, Zeuss wife. On the island of Ortygia, Leto gave birth to a daughter, Artmeis, who became
the goddess of the moon, and who was the twin sister of Apollo. Artemis then helped her mother to flee Ortygia and finding
no place that would welcome her, she eventually came to a free floating mass of barren rock called Delos, where she was welcomed
and where legend has it, four pillars were instantly produced, anchoring the floating mass permanently. Artemis helped her
mother give birth to Apollo and Delos became one of the most renowned places in the Greek world.
Apollo was gifted in music, mathematics, medicine and prophecy. As an adult, he wandered Greece
looking for a place to establish his shrine. Eventually he came to Delphi, which was guarded by Python, the gigantic serpent.
He killed Python in battle and established his shrine at that site. The Priestess of his shrine became known as the Pythoness
and would answer the questions put to the Delphic Oracle.
The slaying of the serpent legend (or dragon in some cultures) permeates all ancient mythologies,
which indicates a commonality of a deeper significance, within the collective unconscious. There are two modern theories for
the myth. One explanation is that it symbolizes the patriarchal tribes overthrowing the matriarchal system of life. There
is a basic acceptance of the myth that in the beginning women ruled and controlled life much the same way men do in modern
times. The Jungian interpretation of the myth is that the serpent or dragon is the collective unconscious (evidenced by the
fact it resided in the water or under the earth). It is the vital power of life itself. The slayer represents a bringing of
order to the directionless unconscious.
Originally Apollo was not the sun god and became so only in classical times. He was the god of
science, mathematics, archery, and oracles and prophecy. This represents the balance between focused consciousness and mystical
awareness. It is also the fulcrum between Yin and Yang.
Traditionally the sun has always been symbolic of directed will or a sense of purpose, which is
why is it associated with the self in astrology. The sun rules the sign Leo and is a masculine archetype for the inner king,
the vital force that emerges when there is a true union between the masculine and feminine qualities within.
The myth of Apollo does not end with the slaying of the Python and the establishment of his shrine.
Apollo never married as the result of a failed relationship with nymph, Daphne. Always self-absorbed, his interests and goals
were his only real interest. He had no real ability to relate to other people.
It is important to remember that those planets aspecting the sun have a significant affect on the
natives ability to reach goals in life. Vitality and life force are the center of health is affected by Apollo as the god
of medicine (healing). A balance between self and those around the self is the Apollonian struggle. Understanding Apollos nature
is primary to understanding the significance of Apollo as the mythology behind the sun
Mythology by Edith Hamilton
Dictionary of Astrology by Fred Gettings
Mythic Astrology: Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope by Ariel Guttman & Kenneth Johnson